Youth Discipleship

Our Questions Don’t Always Get Answered (video)

When we bring our questions to God, we might not get answers, but we will get Him.

Big Idea: Our questions don’t always get answered.

Scripture References

Job’s loses everything: chapters 1-3
God shows up: chapters 40-42
Romans 8:28
Hebrews 11:13-16

Here are some things for you to think about based on the Big Idea and examples from Scripture ??

What are some reasons people might ask God, “Why is this happening?”

Do you identify with Job? Why or why not?

How can we move forward in our faith after experiencing circumstances that cause us to question God?

Read Hebrews 11:13-16. What could this passage teach us about holding onto our faith even when our questions don’t get answered?

Have you ever seen God redeem a difficult or painful situation in your life? Are there any difficult or painful situations in your life that you still need God to redeem? Invite God into that situation.

What are some things we shouldn’t say to someone who’s suffering?

What are some ways we can comfort someone when they’re suffering?

What’s one way today’s conversation is going to change the way you see your own doubts or questions?

What’s one way today’s conversation is going to change the way you see others’ doubts or questions?